Liberia Hits 21 Years Of Peace…Kofi Annan Institute Celebrates Accra Peace Accord


The Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation (KAICT) at the University of Liberia (UL) and its international partners has celebrated Liberia’s 21st anniversary of the Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which ended Liberia’s civil conflict.

The celebration which brought together government officials, international and local partners, parties that signed the Accord, Liberian experts, ambassadors, women groups and students, was held August 30, 2024 at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Congo Town under the theme, “Reconciling and Uniting for Sustainable Peace in Liberia.”

The celebration, in the form of a dialogue, afforded a platform to signatories of the Accra Comprehensive Peace Agreement to share their experiences on what prompted them to sign the peace accord that brought peace to Liberia.

Giving the overview of the celebration, KAICT Director Prof. T. Debby Syandee said the day is celebrated not just because Liberia has peace, but to remember what twenty-one years of peace means for the citizens and the country, what are the steps been taken, challenges faced and successes celebrated.

He said the celebration is like a national dialogue, bringing together parties that signed the accord and Liberian experts to discuss peace. Speaking on behalf of the Government of Liberia, Cllr. Oswald N. Tweh, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Republic of Iberia stated that it has been twenty-one years since the signing of the Accra Peace Accord and Liberia and its citizens have shown commitment and willingness to maintain and sustain the peace through collective efforts and actions.

“We have held   four democratic   and peaceful elections, the 4th election which brought President Joseph N. Boakai to the Presidency and the peaceful transfer of power which occurred at each stage,” he said.

Justice Minister Tweh indicated that at each stage of the processes of power transfer and leadership, former presidents have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate their willingness and resolve to marinate the peace we have enjoyed these 21 years and counting.

Cllr. Tweh narrated that the people of Liberia are the real MVPs for the peace everyone now enjoys.

“Today, as we celebrate this remarkable milestone, let us be reminded that we still have a lot of work to do, in reconciling, healing and bridging the gaps that still exist in the dispensation of justice, holding law breakers responsible   and ensuing that the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission are fully implemented,” he said.

According to him, for peace to be sustained, people should be  held  accountable  for their  actions  so that they do  not  go with impunity, as immunity  breeds lawlessness, encourages  conflicts and  cause  victims  of  conflicts   to suffer  in silence  without any  opportunity  for  healing,  reconciliation and  compensation for the wrongs  done to them  by  perpetrators.

“Cognizant of these hurdles, H.E. President Joseph N.  Boakai, Sr., issued Executive Order Number 131 on May 2, 2024, creating   the War and Economic Crimes Court which is charged with developing the necessary framework for a Special War Crimes Court to prosecute individuals responsible for the most egregious crimes committed during our civil wars,” Cllr. Tweh narrated.

For his part, US Ambassador Mark Toner said it took enormous courage, commitment, and sacrifice on the part of so many Liberians, including women, youth, civil society, and religious groups, to bring an end to the brutal civil wars and make this lasting peace possible.

Ambassador Toner revealed, “Many of those who were on the front lines of the pursuit are here today, such as members of the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace movement.”

“They represent the thousands of women from across the country, whose peaceful demonstrations were instrumental in ending war and bringing about the peace we all enjoy today.  I salute their courage, commitment, and love of country,” the US Ambassador said.

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