LDW Demands Probe Into Election Violence


The Liberia Democracy Watch (LDW) is calling on the Joint Security to immediately launch an investigation into electoral violence in Nimba County and other parts of Liberia. Releasing a comprehensive observation statement on Liberia’s Presidential run-off election, on Thursday, November 16, 2023, LDW Executive Director, Mustapha N. Kanneh said it is important that the Liberia Joint Security investigate and prosecute if need be all those linked to electoral violence.

“The LDW observed the recurring trend of electoral violence leading to, during, and after the run-off election, particularly in Nimba County, Lofa, Grand Gedeh, and Montserrado Counties. The LDW strongly condemned these violent incidents and demands the joint security to investigate these incidents and ensure the perpetrators face the full scale of the law,” Kanneh stressed.

The Liberian Democracy Watch (LDW), is a pro-democracy institution that cherishes peace, tolerance, freedom, and human rights. It also seeks to promote democracy and justice in Liberia.  He urged the NEC to look into these matters thoroughly and make sure any unlawful, fraudulent, and undemocratic acts of such are addressed adequately.

“The LDW is strongly cautioning both political parties in the run-off election (CDC and UP) and all of its alliances to desist from announcing election results and declaring themselves the winner of the just-ended run-off election ahead of the NEC, because the NEC is the only body solely responsible for announcing official election results and declaring the would-be winner,” Kanneh pointed out.

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