House Passes US$7.3 M National Budget


The House of Representatives has approved the 2024 Fiscal Budget in the amount of US$738,859,827. Members of the House of Representatives for the first time voted by roll call to approve the budget.

The passage of the budget, followed a rigorous budget debate on Thursday, April 25, 2024 by that august body.

The debate preceded a report from the joint Ways, Means and Finance and Public Accounts Committees of the Legislature.

A statement issued by the House Press Bureau says the budget was originally, submitted at US$692,408,827 but after a thorough review, an increment of US$46,451,000.00 was made.

Meanwhile, House Speaker, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa has lauded line ministries and agencies of Government for their collaboration during the revenue and expenditure hearings.

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