Gov’t Provides Food For Disabled Persons


By T.Q. Lula Jaurey

Several persons living with disabilities in Montserrado County on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, benefited from assorted food items from the Government of Liberia and its international partners.

The food rations were distributed by the National Food Assistance Agency (NFAA) in collaboration with the United Motor Company located in Vai Town, the Episcopal Church of Liberia, Relief & Development Organization and the Topnk Medical Supply LIC base in the United States of America, to visually impaired and people living with disabilities of the Hope In God Association of the Blind in Barnersville and the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home in Sinkor.

Items distributed among the disabled and visually impaired members included 22 bags of 25kg rice, 10 cartoons of cooking oil, and four cartoons of sardine, among other assorted food items. Making the distribution, the Director General of the NFAA Borkai Sirleaf termed the initiative as a way of putting smiles on the faces of persons living with disabilities based on a post shared by them during a heavy downpour of rain a few weeks back.

“It is our initial distribution done along with partners; it is our concern as a government institution to people living with disabilities, and we will do everything in our own way because the ARREST Agenda talks about inclusion,” Sirleaf said.

He said it is not a Montserrado County-based initiative but will be done across the entire 15 counties in Liberia, while calling on other humanitarian organizations and well-meaning citizens to help support this worthy initiative..

Receiving the items on behalf of their separate communities, Hassan George, President of the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home and Johnson K. Dorbor, President of the Hope In God Association of the Blind, graciously thanked the government and its partners.

They described the donation as timely and reminded the government and partners for more assistance because they are vulnerable to society, and pleaded that said venture should reach across the 15 counties because disabled and visually impaired members are all over the country.

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