Free Thinkers Head Takes Issue With Senator Konneh


The head of a pro-democracy organization, Free Conscious Independent and Objective Thinkers of Liberia has taken issues with Gbarpolu County Senator Amara M. Konneh over several matters.
In a statement, Executive Director Morris Swen said Liberia’s democracy and the rule of law are headed for trouble when select Senators abrogate to themselves unorthodox powers that undermine the separation of powers as enshrined in Article 3 of the 1986 constitution of the Republic of Liberia.
He quotes Senator Konneh as saying that he wants the Minister of State, Ambassador Sylvester Grigsby, to resign and be prosecuted.
To this, he said, “it is completely ludicrous when a Senator in Amara Konneh who should be considered an elder in our country’s governance structure will opt to venture into triviality as if he has no work to do as a senator for one of the struggling counties of Liberia, Gbarpolu County.”

Swen wondered “if Minister Grigsby allegedly transgressed for any reason; what would be the logical approach in the first instance? Ask him to resign and face prosecution as recommended by Senator Amara Konneh or first launch an impartial investigation that will form the basis of establishing the facts and circumstances that may lead to resignation and subsequent prosecution?”

He said it seems that Senator Konneh has lost focus completely in executing his legislative mandate and therefore thriving into the introduction of Jungle Justice in the Land.

“Hon. Amb Sylvester Grigsby, acting in his capacity as Senior Advisor to then President-Elect, Joseph N. Boakai realizing the looming inconveniences as a result of the shortage of vehicles to convey guests who were pouring into the country to grace the inauguration of President Joseph N. Boakai, decided to write the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) in good fate for intervention to purchase five SUVs,” he said.

He said NASSCORP being a welfare institution granted Amb Grigsby’s request and the five SUVs were purchased.
“Is this a violation of any law? I say NO, NASSCORP’s response to the purchase of the five SUVs was in line with its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy that is in place at the Corporation,” he added.
He asked why Senator Konneh would proffer that von-Balmoos be reprimanded simply because he responded to a welfare situation that is in line with his function.

Swen: “It is quite disturbing that the likes of Senator Amara Konneh are not in tune with the workings of the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP). NASSCORP, apart from administering the pension fund for workers within the Republic of Liberia is engaged in several other investments in which profits are generated to handle its Corporate Social Responsibility to individuals, the communities, and the state respectively.

It is within this perimeter that the request from Hon. Amb Sylvester Grigsby was responded to positively by NASSCORP.”
The group head said Senator Konneh and those of his likes in the Senate must refrain from dragging the image of that august body into public disrepute to satisfy their wanton political egos.
“If Senator Konneh is sure that Hon. Amb Sylvester Grigsby indeed transgressed, let him be man enough to call for an impartial investigation rather than making frivolous political statements that have no basis in fact,” he stressed.
He said the vehicles in question are now within the fleets of vehicles assigned with the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs which should be no big deal.

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