Focus On The Path Of Peace’….Ghanaian Ambassador Urges Liberians


Ghanaian Ambassador to Liberia, Kingsford Amoako calls on Liberians to continue on the path of peace and avoid conflict. Ambassador Amoako made the statement when he paid a courtesy visit to the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), Brigadier Gen. Davidson F. Forleh, at the Barclay Training Center in Monrovia.

Ambassador Amoako said sustainable peace and economic development is a key element to develop a country.
He stressed the need for Liberians to take advantage of the soil by planting some of what they eat in which the AFL can play a meaningful role in the achievement of food security in Liberia.

He said the Government of Liberia could spend less on the importation of food stuffs. For his part, General Forleh welcomed Ambassador Amoako and his team and expressed heartfelt appreciation for the timely visit.
Gen. Forleh recounted some of the important assistance Ghana has and continues to render to Liberia through military cooperation.

In regards to food security, Forleh said agriculture is his heartbeat and therefore a priority as head of the AFL.
He said AFL under his administration, will enhance the activation of the AFL Agriculture Battalion in order to assist government achieve food security in the country.
General Forleh thanked Ambassador Amoako for the outstanding performances portrayed by Ghanaian military personnel who are seconded to the AFL.

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