Female Officers Brainstorm At Annual Retreat


About 100 female law enforcement officers have participated in the annual retreat and General Assembly of the Liberia Female Law Enforcement Association (LIFLEA). The retreat was held from February 22-24, 2024 in Gbarnga, Bong County.

The event brought together female officers from the Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency, Liberia National Fire Service, Liberia Immigration Service, Liberia National Police, Executive Protection Service, Monrovia City Police, Liberia Sea Port Police and representatives from private security guard services.

The General Assembly was held under the Theme: “Strengthening and Realigning LIFLEA’s Institutional Capacity for Improve and Effective Coordination among Female Law Enforcement Officers,”

During the assembly of female officers, a three-year (2024-2027) strategic plan was revised as well as the review progress made over the year. Participants also identified gaps and challenges encountered in 2023.

Development of a communique which outlines actions to be prioritized by the Government of Liberia in addressing issues faced by female security and women law enforcement officers

The event was supported by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the US State Department through the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).

The Liberia Female Law Enforcement Association (LIFLEA) was established on December 8, 2000 as the umbrella organization to protect and promote the interest and wellbeing of female law enforcement officers.

Over the past twenty-three years, LIFLEA has consistently worked with stakeholders to advance policy reforms and engage in continuous advocacy efforts with a focus on promotion and protection of the rights of women in law enforcement in Liberia.

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