FeJAL, Merck To Train 100 Journalists


The Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FeJAL) has secured partnership with Merck Foundation for the capacity development of over one hundred (100) Liberian Journalists to further amplify issues around health reporting.

This one day 2024 Edition of the Health Media Training via zoom is expected to take place on the 16th of May 2024.
The Health Media Training is a crucial component of Merck‘s Community Awareness Program, aimed at highlighting the essential role of media in addressing critical and sensitive social and health issues in Africa.

The key objectives of the Health Media Training include: advocating for the empowerment of women and girls through education; addressing infertility stigma and other social issues affecting women and couples; promoting healthy lifestyle practices and raising awareness about diabetes and hypertension prevention.

During the training Leading medical experts and media stalwarts will deliver a 2-hour training session, emphasizing the impact of media in breaking social barriers and being a voice for the marginalized.

Participants attending the training will receive a Certificate of Participation, recognizing their commitment to promoting health and social awareness through media platforms.

At the end of the training, Merck Foundation will announce the calls for entries for its 2024 Health Reporting Media Awards.

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