Episcopal Bishop Appoints C’ttee To Expand Diocese


The Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Liberia (ECL) the Rt. Rev. Dr. James B. Sellee has with immediate effect appointed a committee on the carving of the Episcopal Church of Liberia into two or more dioceses.

Those appointed include: Cyril Jones, Registrar, Episcopal Church of Liberia, Chair, Canon Edward Gbe, Member, Lawodo V. Thomas, Member, one representative each from the Episcopal Church Men of Liberia (ECML), Episcopal Church Women of Liberia (ECWL), Diocesan Episcopal Youth Council (DEYC), Order of the Sons and Daughters of the King (OSDK), all four archdeacons as members and the Chancellor of the Episcopal Church of Liberia, Seward Cooper, Ex-Officio.

The mandate of the committee is to review the Bishop’s roadmap for carving the Diocese and develop strategies with financial implications for converting his proposal into concrete plans that can be executed in a reasonable time frame.

The Bishop further mandated the committee to complete its work in two months(April and May), stressing that he looks forward to a fruitful outcome to the glory of God and the advancement of the Episcopal Church of Liberia.

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