Election Observers Praise NEC


The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa through its International Elections Observation Mission (EISA-IEOM) has released its findings in the November 14, presidential run-off election, extolling the National Elections Commission for the timeliness in dispatching elections materials.

Reading the report, Thursday, November 16, 2023, Dr. Nevers Mumba, former Vice President of Zambia, and head of EISA-IEOM said in preparation for the 14 November polls, EISA IEOM observed the timely dispatch of sensitive and non-sensitive electoral materials.

According to him, in the Southeastern counties, materials were sent by boat and EISA observers confirmed successful delivery in Maryland and Grand Gedeh.

‘’The NEC printed the Presidential ballot papers and the Final Registration Roll (FRR) on time. This was a welcome improvement as political parties were able to educate their partisans on how to mark the ballot and refine their respective campaign and poll-watching strategies’’ Dr. Mumba added.

He further indicated that the NEC faced persistent challenges in the recruitment of temporary staff.

The former Vice President of Zambia indicated that these complaints were more pronounced during the first round results tabulation period following the arrest of some NEC officials for electoral malpractices.

Meanwhile, EISA-IEOM urged the government to consider appropriate electoral reforms to strengthen the existing legal framework.

“Clarify and strengthen legal requirements and establish measures to identify and deter incidents of voter trucking. Consider the establishment of an intermediary court/electoral tribunal to hear and dispose of elections-related matters. Improve the media regulatory framework to reduce the leeway for journalists and media houses to report and publish unverified news. Traditional leaders, abstain from partisan politics in violation of the constitution and execute mandates with fairness’’ Dr. Mumba suggested on behalf of his group.

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