Earth Vibration Reported In Lofa…EPA Wants Town Relocated


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recommended the relocation of Yegbedu Town in Lofa County following investigation into recent earth vibrations.

Speaking during recently Information Ministry press briefing, EPA Executive Director Emmanuel K. Urey Yarkpawolo said the recommendation is based on an investigation done through EPA, the Ministry of Mines and Energy into the recent earth vibrations in Yegbedu Town, Foya District, Lofa County.


Dr. Yarkpawolo said the assessment took place on August 14 to 17, 2024 and was initiated in response to unexpected seismic activities experienced by the local population on July 26, 2024 and intensified from August 8, 2024 onward.


He said historically regarded as stable in geologic terms, the region’s sudden vibrations caused significant alarm and disruption within the community. He said the investigation identified Yegbedu as a community with steep hills and a history of deforestation as critical factors that exacerbated the town’s vulnerability to landslides, soil erosion, and other ground movements.

He added that key findings from the investigation indicate that while no immediate catastrophic damage was observed, the inherent instability of the terrain presents significant long-term risks to the community.

“Of particular concern are the ongoing vibrations, which, though not currently causing visible soil displacement or structural damage, have instilled widespread fear, leading to the displacement of approximately 70% of Yegbedu’s 2,500 residents,” the EPA boss added.

The EPA boss said due to the identified slope instability, the relocation of Yegbedu Town to a safer area is imperative to prevent potential future disasters.  He further disclosed that geological studies will continue monitoring, and detailed mapping of fault lines are crucial to predict and mitigate future seismic events, not just in Yegbedu, but in other similarly vulnerable regions.

Dr. Yarkpawolo said it is vital to improve community awareness and preparedness for seismic events, especially among vulnerable populations, to ensure safety and swift response in case of emergencies.

According to him, local emergency responders require additional training, and clear communication protocols between relevant agencies must be established to handle any future seismic activities effectively.

Meanwhile, Yarkpawolo has committed the EPA to ensuring the health and safety of all Liberians and will continue to work with relevant stakeholders to mitigate the environmental and health risks identified in this investigation. The entity urges the public to remain vigilant and report any further environmental concerns.

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