Dignity Returns To Transport Ministry


In less than four months, a group under the banner “Reformist” has bestowed honor on some officials of the Minister of Transport.

Those officials who were honored an certificated include, Deputy Minister for Administration, Deputy Minister for Land and Rail Transport, Assistant Minister for Administration and Assistant Minister for Land and Rail for their for restoring dignity and integrity at the ministry.

At the awarding ceremony on Friday, June 14, 2024 at the Ministry of Transport, Minister Sirleaf R. Tyler and Deputy Minister Archibald S. Abban were gowned while Assistant Minister James K. Momo, Deputy Minister Rudolph Gbee Natt and Assistant Minister Zuru K. Dugann received a certificate each.

Speaking on behalf of the group, Edwina Walker Dahn said since the ascendancy of the Ministers, there have been major gains at the ministry.

Madam Dahn named huge jump in revenue generation, repair of offices, bathrooms and installation of running water.
“It is against this backdrop that we reformist within the Ministry of Transport wish to gown our Ministers who have been with us and went through the rank and file of MOT for ascendancy to the above positions,” she stated.

According to her, “To our Deputy and Assistant Ministers who have joined on board, we say thank you. Your team spirit is highly appreciated.”

Madam Dahn also called on all employees of MOT to start a process of national renewal that will unite and build the image of the ministry.

She revealed that as employees, they are resolved to make Liberia through the Transport Ministry a truly bright and shining star.

In remark, Minister Sirleaf Tyler applauded the group for the recognition. He said the transformation at the ministry could not have been done without their efforts.

Minister Tyler promised to always support his staff whenever they are doing the right things in the interest of the ministry.

“As long as we are in this and doing it together, the staff of MOT will have my support as well as the President support,” he indicated.

The Minister revealed that went he took over, the bathroom at the ministry were disarranged, very discouraging and bad for anyone to use.

However, he has promised to give staff the dignity they deserve as workers.
Minister Tyler disclosed that he and his team are working to ensure that MOT has a CCTV camera, access control and give the building a face-leap.

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