‘Crackdown On Drug Importers, Not Victims’ …Dillon Criticizes LDEA’s Operation


Montserrado County Senator, A. Darius Dillon has criticized the operation of the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) in its fight against illicit drugs. The Senator says LDEA is doing nothing to crackdown on the importers, but instead they are pursuing victims.

In recent days, the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency has been riding ghettos and arresting drug users as a means of minimizing the harmful substances in the country. But Dillon says it is not the best way to reduce the usage of drugs.

Speaking on a local radio station recently, Dillon said the best way for LDEA to eliminate drugs is by firstly creating awareness and not the raiding of ghettos.

He said the awareness on illicit drugs will educate the young generation about the danger of drugs and other harmful substances instead of riding ghettos.

Senator Dillon said LDEA needs to enforce the drugs law through massive awareness and further prevent drugs from entering the country.

He wants the LDEA to focus its energy on drug importers rather than going after the victims.
He called on the Executive Branch of Government to swiftly act on the drug law enacted by the National Legislature

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