CIS Hosts First Local Development Summit


The Center for Integrated Solutions (CIS) will on today, Thursday, June 27, 2024, host the first Locally-led Development Summit in Liberia.

The summit is intended to reshape Liberia’s development contours by emphasizing local leadership and fostering partnerships between local organizations and international development institutions.
The event is taking place at the Corina Hotel in Sinkor and is expected to buzz with the energy of innovators, policymakers and development partners.

According to a release sent to this paper Wednesday, June 12, 2024, the Locally-led Development Summit is set to be a major convergence of influential figures in the global and local development sectors.

High-profile attendees expected at the Summit will include the USAID Mission Director, who will provide insights into the strategic priorities and ongoing initiatives spearheaded by USAID in Liberia. Joining him will be the Deputy UNICEF Country Representative, bringing a focus on programs designed to enhance child welfare and education within Liberia.

The World Bank Country Manager is also expected to share perspectives on economic development strategies and funding opportunities available to local entities. Additionally, executives from prominent international NGOs that have active projects in Liberia (Concern Worldwide, FHI360, Jhpiego, DAI, PSI, Winrock, Last Mile Health, IRC, IBI, among others) will discuss their roles in health, education, and economic empowerment, and plans to support local capacities and collaborative efforts.

These international NGOs will interact with representatives from nearly 100 local organizations.
This Summit promises to foster an environment of rich dialogue and exchange, where local organizations can gain direct access to international resources, learn best practices, and explore new partnership opportunities.

The summit is structured to facilitate mutual learning, with sessions designed to address the specific needs and challenges faced by the local entities. The goal is to ensure that international support aligns with immediate needs in Liberia, thus driving forward the national development agenda coherently and sustainably.
The release noted that the excitement among the local partners is palpable.

Mr. Varlee Alieu Sannor, Founder & President of CIS expressed his enthusiasm and aspirations for the summit, stating “This summit is more than a meeting; it is the birthing ground for a renewed commitment to locally-led development in Liberia. We are gathering to catalyze a movement where local knowledge and capabilities are at the forefront of our national development strategy.”

Echoing this sentiment, Hon. George K. Werner, Chair of CIS Advisory Board noted, “We are on the brink of a transformative collaboration. The summit will serve as an avenue for aligning international resources with local needs and aspirations, ensuring that every initiative is sustainable, culturally responsive, and community driven.”

Local CSO leaders have also expressed their enthusiasm. Ms. Lela Precious Dolo, Executive Director, Help a Mother and Newborn Initiative (HMNI) stated, “For us, the summit is a rare opportunity to voice our perspectives directly to global decision-makers and influencers in the development sector. We anticipate forging relationships that will support and amplify our work on the ground.”

The Summit’s agenda features a series of strategic presentations, including remarks from senior GoL officials, who will highlight the government’s approach to collaborating with international development partners to enhance economic growth by supporting local organizations. A panel discussion featuring prominent donors, including USAID, UNICEF, The World Bank, and the Irish Embassy in Liberia, will explore effective strategies for localization, offering local partners insights into navigating the international funding landscape. The day will also spotlight a successful partnership between an iNGO and a local entity, providing a practical model of collaborative success.

Networking and matchmaking sessions will cap off the summit, giving local organizations a platform to engage directly with potential donors and partners, discussing projects and exploring opportunities for collaboration.
CIS encourages all local organizations, stakeholders, and everyone committed to Liberia’s development to participate in this summit. It represents a critical opportunity to influence the development narrative and build partnerships that reflect Liberia’s needs and potential.

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