China Union Inspects Concession Projects


In adherence to a mandate from the House of Representatives for China Union to fulfill its Mineral Development Agreement, the company has begun inspection of infrastructure developments in Faumah District, Bong County.
It can be recalled that a communication from Bong County District # 7 Representative, Foday Fahnbulleh, surfaced before the Plenary of the House of Representatives complaining China Union Concession for failing to live up to its Mineral Development Agreement.

Representative Fahnbulleh said since the company’s contractual agreement signed in 2009 with the subsequent operations of the company, there has been no impact made to the concession.

The lawmaker informed his colleagues that the company is to pay over US200, 000 annually in scholarship, roads construction, and support to the 100 bedroom hospital among others. These obligations, Representative Fahnbulleh noted, are yet to be seen by the people.

The communication from Representative Foday Fahnbulleh prompted the House to establish a joint Committee to investigate China Union Concession operations in Liberia.
Weeks following the committee’s investigation that found the company liable led to the admittance of China Union to live up to the MDA.

In the committee’s investigation and recommendations, China Union is mandated to pave the necessary roads, provide support to the 100 bedrooms hospital and the Bong Mines Public within the first 6 months.
Due to the mandate, an inspection exercise by the company including some members of the House of Representatives was commenced on various roads, the hospital and school for immediate works as mandated.

Others are; the road from Bong Mines to Heindi Waterside, the road connecting Bong Mines to Popota and Yawayeh, as well as the road from Bong Mines to Nuamu which borders Bomi County.

The Chair of the House’s Joint Committee set up to probe the China Union concession, P. Mike Jury said, the exercise is meant to ensure that the US$2.6 billion company works in compliance with the House’s mandate.
According to Representative Jury, China Union was given a six months mandate to execute some major projects and it’s binding on the company.

Jury noted the first phase of the timetable given China Union include, road works, medical infrastructure and education. The two years and five years phases will be implemented following the completion of the first phase.
For his part, Bong County District #7 Representative, Foday Fahnbulleh said his quest is not meant to witch-hunt the company, rather to ensure that it upholds what it signed up for.

According to Fahnbulleh, the inspection by the company is bringing relief not only to the people but also to the company.
He called on the citizens to work with company during the implementation of the works.

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