Charity Group Donates Garbage Bins To MOT


A charitable organization under the banner Tamba’s Foundation has donated several garbage bins to the Reformist, a Ministry of Transport based organization. Speaking Friday, August 16, 2024, a representative from the Foundation, speaking on behalf Executive Director Joseph Tamba, disclosed that the donation of the garbage bins is their own way of supporting the cleanliness of the ministry.

For his part, Sirleaf Ralph Tyler, Minister of Transport, thanked members of the Tamba’s Foundation for the donation, saying, the ministry will not take the donation lightly, and promised that it will be used for the intended purpose. He said the ministry is pleased and enlightened by the gesture and is ready to work with the entire team of the Tamba’s Foundation as they work in the transportation sector.

“Government cannot do it alone; that is why I have been working with civil society groups, church groups and other organizations that are open to working with me,” he said. Minister Tyler also thanked the Reformist for helping the Ministry change the country’s transport sector, and with their help and support the ministry will achieve its goal.

According to him, everyone is important, from the cleaner to the Minister, whom he noted are all agents of positive change and will always be.

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