‘Change Is Not To Build Private Homes’ …Minister Piah Hits Back At Weah


Information Minister, Jerolinmek M. Piah has blasted former President George Weah for criticizing the Boakai Administration indicating that the change President Boakai envisaged is not to build private homes.

On Friday, June 28, 2024, former President Weah told partisans of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) that President Joseph N. Boakai and his government are not interested in positive change.

Speaking during CDC’s Militants Day celebration via telephone, Weah claimed that Boakai and his officials have returned to Liberia due to lack of success abroad.

The former President indicated that Liberians wanted change, but he pointed out that Boakai is not the change. He observed that those who left Liberia and have returned, are not sincere for change.

Weah further claimed that those individuals are back because their situations abroad were not prosperous.

However in reaction, Minister Piah said the change President Boakai seeks is not comparable to building 44 houses, as was done by Weah in the first six months of his administration.

Piah added that President Boakai did not build one kitchen in six months as was done by Weah.

The Information Minister noted that auditors were murdered in cold blood and corruption reached its peak but the Weah administration could not do anything in finding solution.

Addressing a regular press briefing on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at the Ministry of Information, Culture Affairs and Tourism in Monrovia, Piah stressed that the Boakai Administration seeks to promote a culture of respect for past leaders as such, past leaders themselves must conduct themselves in a manner that commands respect.

He believes that past or present leaders should be role models that make their voices a one of solution but not making reckless statements.

Piah urged former President Weah to desist from making statements that do not represent him as a leader.

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