Catholic Bishop To Vet New UL President


The Board of Trustees of the University of Liberia has named and appointed Catholic Archbishop of Monrovia, Rev. Dr. Gabriel Blamo Jubwe, as Chairperson of the committee to vet a new president for the university.

The UL Board’s June 19, 2024 action is based on its considerate fiduciary responsibilities as provided in the Charter of the University, and the directive of the Visitor to the University of Liberia to convene in an extraordinary session to deliberate on the current issues confronting the University of Liberia.

Given the recourse to its mandate, the Board of Trustees appointed an Ad-Hoc Mediation Committee to meet with all stakeholders of the university, including the leaderships of the UL Faculty and Staff Association (ULFASA), the University of Liberia Student Union, and the President of the University of Liberia and his Cabinet.

After deliberating all the issues and concerns of the stakeholders as mentioned, the Board resolved that a search committee for a new President of the University of Liberia is hereby announced and given a minimum of three months to complete its mandate.

Other committee members include, Dr. Al-Hassan Conteh, Co-Chair, Dr. Ophelia Inez Weeks, Dr. Augustine Konneh, Mr. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, and Dr. Edna Johnny, Members.

The UL Board of Trustees also named Dee Preston, Martin Wleh Pennie, Mary Korpo Kerkula, Togba-Nah Tipoteh and Amanda Musu Dakagboi as members.

The Board has meanwhile, instructed all faculty and staff to report to normal duties with immediate effect or risk administrative action.

The faculty and staff of the university are mandated to complete the current semester by immediately resuming all academic and administrative activities, including resumption of classes and the holding of the 104th Commencement Convocation.

According to them, the Administration should also issue without delay the revision of the academic calendar considering the time lost, but not exceeding ninety days and herewith directed to effect the payment of all part-time faculty without further delay.

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