Boakai Preaches African Unity …Pledges Support To Regional Maritime University


President Joseph N. Boakai has pledged Liberia’s support to the Regional Maritime University (RMU) that will elevate the institution to what he described as unmatched heights on the continent and beyond.

Speaking Saturday, June 29, 2024 when he served as the 18th Commencement Speaker at the RMU graduation in the Republic of Ghana, President Boakai said, to achieve irreversible socio-economic transformation, Africa must embrace the spirit of unity.

He added that the African continent has the potential to be a global leader if they harness the resources effectively and collectively. According to him, Africa’s unity is crucial for realizing it’s potential.

The Liberian leader also used the occasion to called on African countries to enforce the union by giving increased support to sustain the RMU.

“Liberia is currently the world’s largest ship registry by gross tonnage, highlighting the critical importance of maritime education to our country,” he intimated.

President Boakai indicated that Liberia Maritime Training Institute and the Regional Maritime University, which deliver low and high-end maritime programs, respectively, are key institutions of education that his administration will continue to support to benefit from opportunities provided by the global maritime sector.

He disclosed that graduates from Liberia Maritime Training Institute often matriculate to RMU for their undergraduate degrees.

“I have instructed the authorities at the Liberia Maritime Training Institute to increase the number of students sent to RMU in the coming years, reflecting Liberia’s maritime legacy and the commitment to maintaining its prominent position in the global maritime industry,” the President said.

Turning to the graduates, Boakai said, “This is a unique moment in your lives, representing the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, sacrifice, determination, and courage in pursuing academic success. You have overcome many challenges to earn your place among the graduates of RMU today.”

The Liberian leader stated that as the American film producer Viola Davis aptly stated, “All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them.” Your steps thus far are steps towards your dreams, and with the right ingredients-prayer, hard work, focus, and discipline-these steps can lead to great success.”

He added that prayer is essential as the graduates seek God’s guidance in their endeavors saying, “Hard work is indispensable for achieving any goal.”

President Boakai cautioned the graduates to focus, as it will help them stay on track amidst distractions.

President Boakai admonished the graduates to hold onto discipline and character which he said are the foundation of success.

“As it is said, academic degrees may take you to the top, but only discipline and character can keep you there. Discipline and character entail honesty, integrity, patience, and perseverance-values that will open doors for you in the world,” he narrated.

President Boakai further encouraged the graduates that as they leave the prestigious walls of RMU with pride, they should uphold the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and discipline and make RMU and Africa proud.

He added that they should remember that they carry blessings as they venture into the maritime world and they should not let their parents and school down.

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