Boakai Meets ‘Party’ Lawmakers


President Joseph Nyuma Boakai has ended a one-day Executive-Legislative Agenda Setting Retreat with an assembly of members of the House of Representatives who are aligned with the “Rescue Mission” of the Ruling Unity Party and a team of UP leaders and strategists.

The Saturday, April 20, 2024 convergence in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, was to compare notes on crafting a more coordinated and effective path to pursuing critical national development goals.

Opening the session, President Boakai highlighted critical themes in the Agriculture, Road, Rule of Law, Education, Sanitation & Tourism (ARREST) Agenda which he said must be vigorously pursued by proper messaging and the encouragement of other legislators to support the call of nation building.

He stressed the need for coordinated and more purposeful working relationships which will engender wider support for the realization of set targets.
He said the ARREST Agenda is not a hidden but one that is open for all and an agenda aimed at taking Liberians from poverty to prosperity.

The working session brought together more than 20 members of the House of Representatives as they spent hours deliberating on approaches and methods of pushing key points in the legislative agenda as well as a lineup of other development goals of the Government.

At the close of the session, the participants signed and issued a joint resolution reflecting their decisions.
The Resolution signed by representatives of the three parties declared that “the ARREST Agenda is the best suited and in sync with the national development demands of our time.”

They agreed that collaboration, consultation and the sense of common purpose are the most reliable and effective means by which the ARREST Agenda can be achieved.

In their quest to build support for the agenda, the parties undertook to enlist colleagues in the Legislature and other segments of the population to embrace the Agenda.

To ensure coordination and smooth communication among them, they recommended, which was approved by the President, that Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of State, Cornelia Kruah-Togba, serves as the Liaison.

Representative Richard N. Koon of the House signed for members of the Rescue Legislative Caucus present, while Acting Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Samuel A. Stevquoah signed for the Administration. Unity Party Vice Chairman for Governmental Affairs & International Relations, Honorable Ben Fofana, signed for the Unity Party.

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