Boakai Extols Rehabilitated Youths


President Joseph N. Boakai has extolled over 126 At-Risk-Youth after graduating and receiving certificates from the Joint Inter-Sectorial At-Risk-Youth Empowerment Program. The program was created by the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The over 126 At-Risk-Youth were rehabilitated in four counties including Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bass and Bomi. They acquired knowledge in different vocational skills training.

Speaking at the graduation program on Thursday, April 11, 2024 at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Congo Town, President Boakai said a country can lose all of its resources, but there could be nothing compared to the loss of youths in a nation.

According to him, with the rehabilitation of the over 126 at-risk youth, the nation has recorded success in its endeavor to reposition the country, especially the youths.

“We are here to meet and inspire our partnership with people who are ready to help us lift this country into a new noble platform,” President Boakai stated.

The Liberian leader explained that his government will enhance existing programs and create additional programs that will remove disadvantaged youths, who are drug addicts from the streets.

However, President Boakai narrated that his government will also rehabilitate, refurbish and provide medicines for mental health hospitals and clinics.

“My fellow graduates, I can’t adore my heart to you for your conscious decision to answer the path you are on in search of a change in life for good,” he said.

The President further, “I see you as serious as at the time and circumstances. We salute your courage and celebrate the boldness of your positive thoughts. You did not only choose to escape from the shelter of induced addiction, but you took advantage of the opportunity to reclaim your future. Thank you for making the choice you have made. You deserve to be celebrated,” the President narrated.

He disclosed that the government of Liberia will partner with the rehabilitated youths in assessing greater opportunities that will make their lives meaningful and fulfilling.

The Liberian leader also described the rehabilitated youths as the great men and women of Liberia in waiting.

According to President Boakai, by being rehabilitated, they have made the right choice which has given the government of Liberia and its partners the platform to help them get better; adding that it’s the right choice to “reclaim their future” for a better livelihood, professional skills and to seek for a job.

He explained that youths are the light-wire of any country and are most reliable for nation building.

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