Boakai Commissions 14 Officials…Wants Performance Contract Signed


President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has commissioned fourteen government officials who were confirmed by the Liberian Senate.

Those commissioned by the President include, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sarah Beysolow Nyanti; Minister of Finance and Development Planning Boima S. Kamara; Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Sylvester M. Grigsby, Minister of Youth and Sports, J. Cole Bangalu, Minister of Agriculture J. Alexander Nuetah, Minister of Health Dr. Louise M. Kpoto.

President Boakai also commissioned the Minister of Commerce, Amin Modad, Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Gbeme Horace Kollie, Advisor on Foreign Affairs, George W. Wallace Jr., Senior Advisor to the President Dr. Augustine Konneh, Legal Advisor, and Bushubeh M. Keita, Advisor on Political Affairs MacDella Cooper, amongst others.

Commissioning the officials at the Executive Mansion Thursday, February 22, 2024, President Boakai said the program is a culmination of the process of setting up the government, having identified individuals to play respective roles in the governing of the state.

“Although we would have liked to have the full complement of heads of ministries, agencies, and commissions for this event, we are nevertheless delighted to commission some of the country’s experienced and dedicated women and men to start full service for the citizens,” he stated.

The President said to ensure productivity, the government needs to work with others on Management Compliance System to help improve performance and encourage an open, transparent and accountable government.
He said this will require that every cabinet minister and head of agency signs a performance contract as a way of not only ensuring that deliverables are met, but also enhancing efficiency within the government.

Meanwhile, President Boakai has mandated all officials of the government to immediately declare their assets to comply with anti-graft regulations as required, and more importantly, ensure the promotion of integrity in public service.
He disclosed that his government will not tolerate corruption and pilferage from the people’s coffers and those breaching anti-graft laws will give account and pay the price.

“We will be monitoring your performance against the targets you will set and hold you accountable. Monitoring will not only be within as we intend to support any mechanism that will ensure that citizens follow closely as well, to form part of the decision-making process. In this regard, the Citizens Feedback Mechanism Project, piloted in five counties will be activated and implemented across the country,” President Boakai said.
The President told the commissioned government officials that public service is not an entitlement; it is an opportunity to give back to their country and fellow citizens.
“To those about to be commissioned today, your compatriots have entrusted you with a responsibility to deliver the service they need,” he asserted.

At the same time, the President has urged commissioned government officials to execute the mandate of their respective offices and perform their duties efficiently and selflessly for the public good.
President Boakai indicated that the cabinet as the highest decision-making body of the government must perform at the highest level, delivering on priorities to achieve the developmental agenda set for the next six years.

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