Boakai Appoints Appleton, Others


At long last, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has appointed Edward Appleton of the opposition Grassroots Development Movement (GDM) in his government.
Mr. Appleton was appointed as Chairman of the Board of the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL).
Other appointed to the board include Malcolm King, Member of the Board; Kpannah Esther Alan, Member of the Board; Kpandeh Fayiah, Member of the Board and Lydia Sandimane-Nimely, Member of the Board.
The rest are Boima S. Kamara, Minister of Finance Development Planning, Statutory Member, and Wilmot Paye, Minister of Mines & Energy, Statutory Member.

These nominations, where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.
President Boakai further calls on all those nominated to continue to demonstrate diligence, commitment, integrity, professionalism, and loyalty in service to the country.

It can be recalled that during the October 10, 2023 presidential elections, Appleton came third in the race defeating other known candidates including Alexander B. Cummings of the Collaborating Political Parties, Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe of Liberia’s People’s Party, among others.
Appleton obtained forty thousand two hundred seventy-one (40, 271 votes) constituting 2.20% of the total vote count.
To the surprise of many politicians and ordinary Liberians, the name Edward Wade-Appleton wasn’t one of the names many would have expected to pull such a fight or make a difference. The theories behind his big entry into Liberian politics are many.
Some believe that the votes he acquired were mistake votes as a result of the failed voter and civic education instituted by the National Elections Commission.
During the run-off election, Appleton endorsed the candidacy of Unity Party Standard Bearer, now President Boakai.
According to Appleton, his decision to endorse the UP-Alliance is a result of the decision taken by the Party’s executive committee who voted 70% in favor of siding with the UP-Alliance and as head, he couldn’t change that decision.
“We believe what the UP says they stand for is aligning with our party’s agenda and we hope the UP will carry our ideology and principles with you we believe what the UP say they stand for is aligning with our Party,” he added.

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