Battle For Executive Mansion Intensifies…As NEC Releases More Results


For the second day running following the conduct of the presidential run-off election, progressive tally results are being announced by the National Elections Commission (NEC) with Joseph N. Boakai still in the lead.

At Thursday, November 16, 2023 announcement, NEC Commissioners assigned to announce results from different counties said Joseph Boakai of Unity Party received 3,538 votes amounting to 10.60 percent while CDC accumulated 29,847 votes constituting 89.40% at 129 polling places out of 163 in Grand Gedeh County. The NEC commissioners told a news conference that out of a total of 5,890 polling places across Liberia, 5,107 amounting to 86.71% have been tallied so far.

She told a gathering of local and international observers as well as political parties’ representatives that Joseph N, Boakai of Unity Party obtained a total valid votes of 712,741 votes constituting 50.58 percent while George Manneh Weah of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) accumulated 696,520 votes amounting to 49.42 percent.

NEC disclosed that the Commission has recorded 1,049,261 valid votes amounting to 100%, and the invalid votes counted is 2,127, while the total votes (valid and invalid) is 1,431,388. In Montserrado County, George Manneh Weah obtained 283,174 votes representing 48.63%, while UP’s Boakai accumulated 299,098 votes representing 51.37% at 181 polling places out of 2,008 polling places.

In Lofa County at 424 polling places out of 424 polling places, according to NEC, Boakai received 75,373 votes representing 64.60%, while Weah got 41,298 votes constituting 35.40%. In Bong County, 555 polling places out of 555 polling places, UP’s Boakai got 64,194 votes amounting to 47.08%, while CDC’s Weah got 72,159 votes amounting to 52.92%.

For Maryland County at 174 polling places out of 175 polling places, Joseph N. Boakai accumulated 7,050 votes constituting 16.44%, while George Manneh Weah got 35,328 votes representing 83.36%.

CDC candidate Weah received 18,587 votes amounting 79.90%, while UP candidate Boakai got 4,675 votes accumulating to 20.10% in River Gee County.

In Nimba County at 580 polling places out 736, UP got 109,694 votes amounting to 71.57% while CDC obtained 43,564 votes representing 28.43%. For Grand Bassa County, CDC accumulated 24,045 votes accounting for 50.52%, while Unity Party got 23,548 votes representing 49.48% at 216 polling places out of 405 polling places.

The Commission also announced that in Grand Cape Mount County, Unity Party gained 21,244 votes constituting 51.43% and the CDC got 20,060 votes representing 48.57% at 189 polling places out of 213.  Provisional results in Margibi County showed that 441 polling places out of 441, Unity Party acquired 64,160 votes consisting 53.99 %, while the CDC obtained 54,676 votes amounting to 46.01%.

In Rivercess County, at 92 polling places out of 105, Unity Party got 4,836 votes representing 26.23%, while CDC acquired 15,602 votes accounting for 73.77%. For Sinoe County, CDC got 19,841 votes constituting 83.33%, while Unity received 3,968 votes which represents 16.67 % at 114 polling places out of 152 polling places.

In Grand Kru County at 82 polling places out of 110 polling places, Boakai received 2,394 votes representing 10.68%, while Weah accumulated 20,012 votes amounting 89.32%. For Bomi County, George Weah obtained 15,820 votes representing 40.38%, while Joseph Boakai obtained 23,359 votes amounting to 59.62% at 171 polling places out of 171 polling places.

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