APM Terminals Reinforces Commitment to Education


APM Terminals Liberia has again reaffirmed its commitment to education in Montserrado County with the recent disbursement of scholarship funds. The official donation event was held on Friday, June 28, 2024, at the Freeway Baptist High School Auditorium marking the fourth consecutive year of APM Terminals Liberia’s educational scholarship program, benefitting 120 students from six institutions across Districts 13 and 14 Montserrado County, totaling about 3 million Liberian dollars.

Natasha Akakpo, Chair of the CSR Committee, provided an overview of the program’s impact and growth, stating, “When we launched this program in 2021, our goal was to contribute to the educational development of our young people, ensuring that they have the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. I am proud to say that we have consistently fulfilled our commitment, and today’s event is a testament to our ongoing dedication.”

Students Saidu Kawah of the Boakai Konneh Foundation School and Naomi Brown from the Jimmy Jolocon High School shared their gratitude and aspirations. Saidu expressed, “Receiving this scholarship is a dream come true for me and my family. It motivates me to study hard and achieve my goals.” Princess added, “I am grateful to APM Terminals Liberia for believing in my potential and supporting my education.”

Clay Crain, Managing Director of APM Terminals Liberia, emphasized the company’s initiative, stating, “The donation today signifies our ongoing commitment to fostering educational opportunities in Liberia. We believe education is the cornerstone of sustainable development.”

Mr. Aloysius Cooper representing the office of Hon. Edward Papay Flomo, Representative of District 13, and Hon. Kerkula Muka Kamara, Representative of District 14. Hon. Kamara were also in attendance and applauded the company for being committed to this cause stating, “Investments in education are investments in the future of our nation. APM Terminals Liberia sets a commendable example.”

Madam Naomi Porte, parent of one of the scholarship beneficiaries from Mother Kebbeh Academy, expressed heartfelt thanks on behalf of the beneficiary families, stating, “This scholarship is a lifeline for many families that cannot afford. It ensures that our children have access to quality education, paving the way for a brighter future.”

APM Terminals Liberia is a key player in the logistics and transportation sector, committed to enhancing trade and commerce in Liberia. Through its Corporate Social Initiatives, the company actively contributes to the well-being and development of the communities it serves.


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