American Missionary To Face Prosecution In U.S.…STAND Discloses


The Solidary and Trust for a New Day (STAND-Movement) has announced in Monrovia that Lucas Richards, the American Missionary accused, in Jessica Lloyd’s just concluded case will be prosecuted in the United States for his crimes committed against the alleged victim.

Speaking to reporters on the crime scene in Palmfarm Community, Dixville, Montserrado County, STAND Chairman, Mulbah Morlu said that the ruling from the Liberian Court is barbaric, cruel, and beyond the imagination of mankind. According to him, Miss. Lloyd can be anyone’s child, sister, or daughter that should be protected at all times; but regrettably, people watched Jessica and her family go through an unforgettable pain.

“We have concluded with partners in the United States and other American lawyers for the prosecution of Mr. Lucas Richards in the United States. This matter is not about America but one single man attempted to kill an innocent lady in cold blood broad day but our judge says, he’s not guilty and he will not go with impunity we will use the laws of America to seek justice for Jessica Lloyd,” Morlu is quoted as saying.
The verdict came after a legal battle between the prosecution, represented by the Government of Liberia, and the defense, representing the accused.

Richards’ acquittal from the charge of Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder was met with curses from his accuser, Jessica Lloyd, in a dramatic scene outside the Temple of Justice following Judge Nelson Chinneh’s final ruling.
In his ruling, Judge Chinneh noted that the evidence presented by the prosecution was insufficient and that the witnesses’ testimonies contradict one another.

The discrepancy in testimonies led the judge to conclude that Richards was not guilty of the crimes of Aggravated Assault and Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder.

But Morlu alleged that Judge Chinneh is a corrupt judge who should be ejected from the justice system of the land and that the ruling against Miss Lloyd has exposed how compromised the Judge has been.
It can be recalled that in September 2023, Jessica Lloyd, a young Liberian lady nearly lost her life when her throat was slit allegedly by Richards.

Lucas was sent to Liberia by Creekside Church in Urbandale, IA to support the church’s work in rural Liberia, and Jessica was his student.
Although legally married in the US, Lucas reportedly married Jessica at a traditional wedding in Monrovia in the presence of her parents and other family members.

Jessica reportedly became pregnant for Lucas but he is accused of illegally administering medication to abort the pregnancy and continued to be involved with her.

When the church in Liberia became aware of Lucas’ affairs with Jessica, he was accused of attempting to kill her by the roadside with a knife and also physically attacked her with a wrench. However, he was apprehended by passersby who handed him over safely to the Liberian National Police.

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