Senators Make Demand For Pre-Paid Meters


The Senate Committee on Public Corporations and Land, Mines, Energy, Natural Resources and Environment have recommended to plenary for the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) to give pre-paid meters to all government entities.

The senators said pre-paid meters for government entities is necessary because most government officials usually leave appliance on in their various offices.
They claimed that most government entities and agencies are not managing the energy well, something the senators believe is a factor for government’s indebtedness to LEC.

Speaking on Thursday, April 18, 2024 on behalf of the committee, Senator Albert T. Chie said the pre-paid meters to government entities will help LEC since the government is indebted to them.
Chie added that the pre-paid meters will enable government entities to buy current like it is done in the private sector.

The Grand Kru County Senator said the issue of privatization of the Energy Sector should be taken as a priority issue by stakeholders.
He wants LEC to consider the issue of providing meters to customers who are desirous of acquiring them.
“Certain percentage on the sale of electricity is set aside in an escrow account for the servicing of LEC debts and other energy providers be encouraged to invest in the sector so as to do away with the current monopoly in the sector,” Chie suggested.

He called on LEC to strengthen its public relations so as to engage in the provision of routine awareness on its operations.

Senator Chie said during their engagement with the Chief Executive Officer of LEC, Monie R. Captan, they were told that the Load Power Shedding of Electricity by LEC cannot be attributed to huge debt owed by LEC; but rather it’s because CI Energies had a major breakdown in their power generation that prevented them from providing electricity to their customers.

“LEC CEO Captan informs us that the breakdown did not affect Liberia alone, but Mali and other countries that Cl Energies had been providing electricity to. This situation (Load Power Shedding), according to CEO Captan, is further worsened by the breakdown of the power generators at the Bushrod Island Plant and three (3) of the turbines at the Mount Coffee Hydro,” Senator Chie said.

He explained that Captan told the Committee that the issue of the constant and frequent fire disasters can be attributed to the use of sub-standard wires, use of inexperience technicians and non-use of standardized breakers to regulate any potential surge in electricity.

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