“Dismissals Undermine National Security”….Media Group Reminds Government


A pro media group, Media United to Enhance Democracy says reports surrounding the massive dismissals of employees and contractors from Government undermines the National Security of the Country.
The Media Group says the Government of Liberia should be mindful how it goes about removing Liberians from payroll especially in the wake of a poor private sector.

The Group, through its Executive Director, Derrick Ernest Clarke wants government to find other alternatives to absorb those earmarked to be removed from Government as it prepares to strengthen the Private sector that would accommodate them in the future.

Mr. Clarke says in the absence of a strong and vibrant private sector that should be providing jobs, Government cannot be insensitive to the plight of its citizens knowing that it is the only bigger source of employment.

According to Clarke, since the end of Liberia’s civil war, Government continues to remain the only font of employment as such, the Boakai Administration should be calculative as it goes about with such a troubling exercise.
“These wanton dismissals create more hardship on the already impoverished Liberian society and a recipe for increase insecurity to the state,” a release quotes Clarke as saying.

The Media Advocacy Group wants the Government to think twice on this crucial national security threat because the reality of facing job loss causes depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, demoralization and physical pain.
According to the Media United to Enhance Democracy, an unemployed society tends to suffer more from stress-related illnesses such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack.

The Media group said apart from the obvious financial anguish the lack of job may cause, it also takes a heavy toll on the mood, relationships, and overall mental and emotional health of an individual and as such, Government must rethink its decision.
Recently, the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs dismissed about 700 persons who were on supplementary payroll.
Salaries of consultants and contractors are also on hold as announced by the Civil Service Agency.

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