Ten Escapees Caught…In Kakata Prison Break


The Ministry of Justice has disclosed that 10 out of 47 inmates who escaped jail at the KAkata Central Prison in Margibi County have been rearrested. It can be recalled that the Ministry confirmed that at least 47 inmates escaped the Kakata Central Prison on Sunday, September 8, 2024 due to a breach in the prison’s security system.

The Ministry said it was working closely with the Liberia National Police (LNP) and the prison authorities to determine the exact cause of the breach and take appropriate action to prevent such incidents in the future, and it was deeply concerned about the incident while taking all necessary measures to ensure the recapture of the escaped inmates.

“The Ministry of Justice assures the public that all efforts are being made to ensure the safety and security of the citizens and to bring the escaped inmates to justice,” the Ministry said; while urging the public to remain calm and to report any information that may lead to the recapture of the inmates as harboring or aiding such persons is a criminal offense and anyone found guilty will face the full force of the law.

However, on September 12, 2024, the ministry of justice issued a second release informing the public that it had arrested at least eight of the escaped prisoners, stating that all efforts are being made to locate and recapture the rest of the thirty-nine (39) prisoners still at large and vowed to provide regularly updates as we progress.

Meanwhile, giving new updates on the status of the incident on Tuesday September 17, 2024, during a Ministry of information press briefing, Justice Minister Oswald Tweh said a team of joint security is going around hunting to rearrest the inmates.

“So far, about 10 inmates have been arrested and the names and pictures of those who are still on the run are being posted at relevant places and as we get additional information we will inform the public,” the Justice Minister said.

By Lucky M. McGee, Cub Reporter

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