Government To Launch Street Child Project


The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection through President Joseph N. Boakai is expected to launch the ‘Street Child Project’ titled “Support A Child, Save The Future,” with efforts aimed towards addressing the alarming crisis of street children. The program is expected to take place today, August 28, 2024, at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Congo Town under the theme: “Arise Liberia, Let’s Save the Future of Our Children.”

The project inaugurates a five-year nationally-driven endeavor to permanently remove over 7,000 children from streets across the country. The effort underscores the beginning of a renewed and concerted effort to create a safer and more supportive environment for every Liberian child.

It symbolizes a significant commitment to the welfare of all Liberian children and is a crucial step towards securing their futures. The “Support A Child, Save The Future” project originated following a 2022 survey revealing that a staggering 366,584 children were living in street conditions across the country.

According to that survey, Montserrado County alone accounts for 42% of these children, totaling 153,965, while Nimba, Bassa, Bong, and Margibi counties contribute another 42%, leaving the remaining counties with 16%.

The survey said the root causes of this crisis which leave many children facing severe risks include, malnutrition, substance abuse, violence, exploitation and human trafficking. The launch symbolizes a practical approach to permanently remove 73,317 children from the streets, representing 20% of the total number, from street situations.

As part of this ambitious initiative, the pilot phase, set for one year, will concentrate exclusively on Montserrado County, targeting the removal of 7,698 children, or 5% of the total number in Montserrado.

Additionally, the project intends to empower 1,920 mothers and caregivers associated with these children, ensuring a holistic approach to addressing the issue. This initiative responds directly and urgently to the need to protect and uplift vulnerable children living on the streets by providing them with the care, education, and opportunities necessary for a brighter future.


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