Rioters Charged, Sent To Court


At least 14 rioters, who were arrested by the Liberia National Police during the August 22, 2024 violent protest at the headquarters of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) have been charged and forwarded to court for prosecution.

The suspects were charged with Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder, Criminal Facilitation, Criminal Solicitation, Criminal Conspiracy, Physical Obstruction of Government Function, Aggravated Assault, Recklessly Endangering another Person, Criminal Mischief, Rioting, Failure to Disperse, Disorderly Conduct, Obstructing Highway and Other Public Passages.

Those charged and forwarded to court include Aaron Soe, Emmanuel D. Sumo, Korpo L. Boakai, Gifty Johnson, Elijah D. Gweh, and Christian K. Perry, Itea F. Borbor, as well as Varney D. Wilson and Lawrence G. Bessiah. Others are Samuel Joe, Joseph Z. Benson, Prince Zammie, Derrick Sekeh, Odonnell A. Corbin, and Alieu S. Brima.

Base on the charges, Magistrate Ben L. Barco of the Monrovia City Court remanded the defendants to the Monrovia Central Prison until a valid criminal appearance bond is filed to secure their temporary release from detention.

The violent protests that saw a number of police officers along with some CDC partisans sustaining serious injuries occurred when state security had gone around the party’s headquarters to raid a suspected ghetto. According to the Police charge sheet, the LNP remains committed to maintaining law and order across the country.

Meanwhile, the police urged all citizens to refrain from engaging in violent activities and cooperate with law enforcement authorities.

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