Influx Of Burkinabe Scares LRRRC


The government lead humanitarian response agency, the Liberia Refugee Repatriation Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) in collaboration with the UNHCR, IOM and other partners is expected to hold a one-day high-level dialogue aimed at addressing the growing population of Burkinabe in eight of the fifteen counties of Liberia. According to an LRRRC release dated August 15, 2024, the dialogue will focus on the social, economic, political, environmental and cultural implications of the presence of Burkinabe.

Key thematic topics to be discussed by the selected panelists include: Social Protection, Human Rights and Safety Net for Women and Children around border communities; Political and Foreign Implication, Community and Local government documentation process for security stability, Environmental, Ecological and Conservation-The setback and challenges for forested communities, Affected Communities  Relationship with Burkinabe, Social Protection Implications and Impact, Economic Implications-the gains and challenges.

It is expected that at the end of the dialogue, there will be a week-long awareness campaign and subsequent commencement of voluntary registration and profiling of the influx of Burkinabe nationals within our borders.

It is also expected to be held at the Paynesville Town Hall at 9 am, today Friday, August 16, 2024, and will bring together key actors from the security sector, civil society, and local government amongst others.

It can be recalled that a Joint Assessment Mission conducted in October 2023 by the Government of Liberia through LRRRC, LIS, UNHCR-Liberia and IOM established that an approximately 40,000 undocumented Burkinabe nationals were in the southeastern counties of Nimba, Grand Gedeh, River Gee, and Maryland. The situation has raised national protection concern amongst citizens in the area.

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