Another Autopsy Conducted On Charloe’s Remains


A second autopsy on the remains of Charlou Musu, daughter of former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott, has been conducted by American pathologists hired by Cllr. Scott and her lawyers. The pathologists are expected to present their autopsy findings to the court in a testimony anytime soon.

Last week, lawyers representing Cllr. Musu-Scott brought into Liberia four American Pathologists to conduct a second autopsy on the remains of Charloe Musu. The defense lawyers’ decision to conduct a second autopsy on Charlou’s remains, followed a motion filed before Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie for the conduct of examination or autopsy. A motion, which was granted by the court thereby paving the way for defense lawyers to go ahead with the autopsy to further support their case.

The medical practitioners and forensic investigators from the United States of America, who conducted the autopsy on Charloe’s remains include: Dr. Matthias I. Okoye, M.D., M.Sc., J.D., F.R.C.P.I, F.C.L.M. (Pathologist), Dr. Cordelia C. Okoye, M.B., CH.B. B.A.O., L.R.C.P.I. & L.R.C.S.I., B.Sc. (Hons; Medical Doctor), Dr. Cordelia N. Okoye, R.N., B.A., M.P.H., PH.D. (Registered Nurse) and Mr. Dale L. Williams, Forensic Consultant & Forensic Investigator.

As it stands, state lawyers have rested with documentary evidence after producing 18 out of 30 witnesses in open court.

Charloe Musu was a graduating senior at the Starz University College when she was allegedly murdered at her Brewerville Residence on February 22, 2023. Following her death, an autopsy was conducted by Dr. Benedict Bongolie Kolee, a government of Liberia pathologist but the defense counsels were apparently not satisfied for which they moved the court to grant a second autopsy.

On August 28, 2023, Cllr. Scott along with three family members pleaded not guilty to the allegations of Criminal Facilitation, Making False Alarm to Law Enforcement Officials and Murder, thereby joining issue with the state.

During his power point presentation at Criminal Court “A” at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia, Dr. Kolee, Chief Pathologist of Liberia, and state prosecutors’ 13th witness testified that the samples collected on the crime scene of the deceased showed that no males (XX) chromosomes were implicated in the alleged crimes committed but rather females (XY).

The defense lawyers argued that copies of the examiners’ Licenses should be received from both the Liberia Medical and Dental Council (LMDC) and the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery in compliance with the Law.

“We will appreciate were the court to kindly order both the Ministry of Justice and the Management of the Funeral Home (St. Moses) to create access to the Crime Scene and/or avail the corpse to make the defense’s process easier and inexpensive,” defense attorney contended.

Following defense counsels submission, prosecution lawyers interposed no objection, but told the court that the cost of bringing extra medical personnel to conduct examination on the remains of the deceased should be borne by the defense and not by the Government of Liberia.

In keeping with law and procedure, the court noted the application made by defense counsels and response thereto by state prosecutors, that the defense will underwrite the cost of a second medical examination on the deceased.

Accordingly, Judge Willie mandated defense lawyers to submit the necessary documentation to the Clerk of Criminal Court “A”, which will subsequently be reviewed and forwarded to the Liberia Medical and Dental Council (LMDC). LMDC has the responsibility to accredit medical practitioners, who are outside of the bailiwick of Liberia.

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