Police Chief Dismisses PSU Officer


The Inspector General of Police, Gregory O.W. Coleman has dismissed officer Ismael Trawally of the Police Support Unit (PSU) for shooting little James Kandy in the ELWA Rehab Community on July 1, 2024.

Speaking at the Liberia National Police Headquarters in Monrovia during a press briefing recently, Coleman announced the dismissal of Officer Trawally based on a force used against the minor, which he said was not proportional or necessary. Inspector General Coleman expressed sadness and regret over the action for losing a Liberian citizen.

He said the deceased did not pose any threat to the officer to have been bullet in the chest. He assured the public that the LNP will not shield anyone or officer who wrongfully discharges force and injure citizens.

The Police IG expressed profound sadness for the death of little Kandy and assured the family that justice will prevail. He apologized for the death of the little boy and expressed condolences to the bereaved families and the country at large.

According to Coleman, immediately a team was set up to probe into the matter and the investigation revealed that Officer Trawally in discharging his duty, wrongfully inflicted injuries on the minor leading to his death. Officer Trawally was charged with Negligent Homicide and forwarded to court for prosecution.

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