UL Faculty, Staff Resume Classes Today


The University Faculty and Staff have unanimously voted to resume all academic activities on all campuses of the institution today Monday, July 1, 2024.

ULFASA took the decision through a resolution on Friday, June 28, 2024 in an Emergency General Assembly held in the auditorium of the University of Liberia’s Capitol Hill Main Campus in Monrovia.

The Faculty and Staff recently disengaged from all learning activities from the UL’s campuses until Dr. Julius Sarwolo Nelson and his cabinet leave their respective positions, and ensure all other demands are fully added without any precondition.

Giving an overview of the consultative meeting held with President Boakai, ULFA President, Dr. Edna Johnny disclosed that the Liberian leader has consented to address their plights effective immediately and has since instructed the Board of Trustees to act accordingly.

In consonance with the demands, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr, who is the Visitor of the state-run-university has ordered a forensic financial and credential audit in the period of three months after he relieve of his position.

Also speaking, the Secretary General of the UL Faculty Association, Eric Patten noted that the Visitor has mandated the interim President to settle the issues of salary disparities and the payment of part-time lecturers. Mr. Patten indicated that the only demand that is tabled for now until the new President of the UL takes a seat officially as head is the promotion of staff and faculty members.

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