House Enacts Liberia Capitol Police Bill


The House of Representatives has enacted into law a bill establishing the Liberia Capitol Police.
The House’s Press Bureau says plenary’s decision on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, was triggered by a report from its National Security Committee.

It can be recalled, the House of Representatives mandated the committee to review the possibility and importance of the establishment of said institution within the Legislature.

The committee said it researched the laws enacted by the House and also conducted stakeholder’s consultations with relevant expert opinions in such fields, and the sponsor of the bill.

The report added that feedback collected, revealed that the issue of Capitol Police is long overdue for the fact that there are continuous burglaries of Members’ offices at the House of Representatives and the Liberian Senate.

It was further argued that with the establishment of said entity, the constant intruding of visitors and protestors on the compounds of the Capitol building will be curtailed or minimized.

The committee on National Security, after a critical analysis of several legal documents including that of the 1986 Approved Revised Draft Constitution of the Republic of Liberia, recommended the passage into law of the bill.

Meanwhile, the instrument has been forwarded to the Liberian Senate for concurrence.

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