Bea Mountain Acknowledges Accident At Workplace


The Management of Bea Mountain Mining Corporation (BMMC) acknowledges and expresses regret of a workplace accident which occurred at its New Liberty Mine on Saturday, 8 June 2024.

Bea Mountain says it has observed with grave concern rumors circulating on various social media platforms regarding the accident.

“The Management strongly denounces the misinformation that is being published regarding the staff’s experience and training especially the steps we took together with the personnel’s family to provide the required emergency and medical care,” the Company stated.

BMMC pointed out that its focus remains to provide the needed support and care for their personnel and his family.

Bea Mountain disclosed that an internal investigation is underway after which the relevant authorities will be duly informed.

Additionally, the Ministry of Mines and Energy has commenced an independent process to assess the circumstances which led to the accident. “Therefore, we respectfully ask all interested parties of concern to be patient, and remain calm, while we await the outcome of these processes,” a statement from Bea Mountain indicated.

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