“US$25 For Motorcycle Registration”….Transport Minister Tells Lawmakers


Transport Minister, Sirleaf Tyler has informed the House of Representatives that the ministry is only charging motorcyclists US$25 for registration.

Minister Tyler made the statement on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 when he appeared before that august body to provide detailed explanations on the current policies regulating transport activities in the country.

Minister Tyler said the registration price for motorbikes was brought down to US$25 and is the cheapest around the world, implying that motorcyclists will be paying just US$2.8 cents monthly.

“We call Insurance Association of Liberia, Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) and Ministry of Transport came up with US$85 for motorbikes insurance fees and US$ 7.8 per month,” Minister Tyler said.

According to him, the ministry pleaded with insurance association for motorbikes insurance but was told that motorcycle accidents are many and the policy was not enough.

Minister Tyler further said there has been no formal agreement with any motorcycle union to collect government revenue and the ministry has been on radio severally urging people to do their registration directly with it rather than giving monies to outsiders.

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