Pastor Arrested For Theft…Faces Police Inquiry


The Liberia National Police (LNP) is investigating the Religious Advisor to former President George M. Weah and current Pastor of the Forkay-klon Family Church, Rev. M. Emmanuel Nimely for his alleged involvement into theft by deception, receiving money under false pretense, visa fraud and suspected human trafficking.

A release quotes Police Spokesperson, Cecelia G. Clarke as disclosing that Rev. Nimely was arrested on Sunday, June 2, 2024 in Dwazon Community, Roberts International Airport Highway, based on a complaint filed by some of the victims headed by H. Momo Fortune, Jr.

Police preliminary investigation revealed that in early August 2023, Suspect Nimely received the amount of Nine Hundred Seventy United States Dollars (US$970.00) each from Ninety (90) persons totaling Eighty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred United States Dollars (US$87,300.00), under the pretense of taking them to Australia to attend a Church conference.

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