LNP Retrieves Four Laptops … In Capital Building Burglary


The Liberian Senate Security in collaboration with the Anti-Burglary Unit of the Liberia National Police (LNP) has retrieved four of the six laptops that were recently stolen from the offices of three Senators.

According to Senate Press Bureau, Senate Security Director, Dyonisious Wesseh said the laptops were retrieved from one Nana Gobah who admitted carrying out the act. He is currently in the hands of the Liberia National Police.
Director Wesseh disclosed that all efforts will be exerted to retrieve the remaining items.

Commenting on the L$10,000 and US$700 worth of gas slips as well as documents belonging to Medtech, Director Wisseh quoted criminal Gobah as saying, he did not take any cash, gas slips or documents but admitted taking the laptops which he said was taken to be sold for good money, but not documents.

Touching on the status of Officer Siafa Kamara who was arrested and detained as a suspect due to what the Security called giving conflicting statement at the preliminary investigation, the Senate Security said when the principal of the burglary, Nana Gobah was arrested and placed behind bars, the suspect has since been released pending the outcome of the investigation.

At the same time, Wesseh said suspect Siafa kamara has been instructed to turn over all items belonging to the Liberian Senate Security pending the outcome of the investigation.

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