STAND Assured Of Assistance …To Fire Service; Applauds US Embassy


The United States Embassy in Monrovia has assured the Solidarity and Trust for a New Day (STAND) that it is looking through an internal mechanism to see how assistance can be provided to the Liberia National Fire Service (LNFS).

Ms. Rodriguez said going through their internal mechanism will take some time and the Embassy will reach out to LNFS once the level of assistance that they can provide is determined.

The assurance by the Americans is in response to an April 16, 2024 letter of appeal addressed Charge d’Affaires Catherine Rodriguez by STAND Executive Director, Mulbah K. Mulbah.

In his letter to the US Embassy, Morlu said his group was soliciting assistance to aid the LNFS in confronting the increasingly alarming fire

outbreaks that persistently devastate the nation, leading to tragic loss of lives and extensive damage to properties.

A press statement issued on Thursday, May 30, 2024, STAND has expressed gratitude to Charge d’ Affaires Rodriguez for the timely response and assurances regarding the request to equip the Liberia National Fire Service.

STAND said the Liberian people remain grateful to the government and people of the United States for consistently coming to Liberia’s aid in critical times.

Meanwhile, STAND is calling on other development partners to positively respond to the organization’s recent requests to support the government of Liberia by building the capacity of the Fire Service department to effectively fight fire outbreaks that have plagued vulnerable communities over the period.

STAND said it recognizes that these fire tragedies not only claim precious lives and destroy homes but also exacerbate the already challenging socio-economic conditions. Small businesses, academic institutions, and even religious establishments experience significant losses and disruptions, further increasing socio-economic vulnerabilities for struggling institutions and ordinary citizens.

The civil society group observed that fire situations pose a growing threat to Liberia’s national security.

Additionally, STAND appeals for safety uniforms for firemen, which are vital to ensuring their safety during emergency responses. Proper attire not only shields them from harm but also improves their professionalism, visibility, and credibility in the public.

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