NPA Embarks On Payroll Reform


The National Port Authority (NPA) is set to commence the disbursement of live checks to over 2,000 employees and contractors.

This initiative, which will impact personnel at the ports of Monrovia, Buchanan in Grand Bassa County, Harper in Maryland County and Greenville in Sinoe County, is geared towards eliminating non-existent or ghost names from the payrolls ensuring a more accurate and transparent compensation system.

According to an NPA release, the exercise will verify the legitimacy and accuracy of payroll salaries and confirm that individuals receiving salaries are bona fide employees of NPA.

The exercise, which is expected to last for two months, will help identify opportunities to enhance systems, procedures, and processes, thereby preventing the reactivation of non-legitimate employees on the NPA’s payroll.

The release indicated that the payroll verification process is one of the top priorities of the Management of NPA.

Additionally, the NPA has resumed the distribution of rice to its employees and contractors as part of their monthly benefits, a practice that had been dormant for the past 10 months. All employees including Senior Management, will receive two bags of rice for equitability and transparency.

Previously, Senior Management received six bags of rice as part of their monthly benefits. This move underscores the NPA’s commitment to fairness and employee’s welfare.

In another development, the NPA has announced the commencement of a comprehensive audit of all its ports nationwide by the General Auditing Commission (GAC). The audit began on May 20, 2024 and will last for 90 days.

The audit will cover from 2019 to 2023, providing insights into the NPA’s financial health and performance.

Meanwhile, the NPA Management has expressed satisfaction with the economic viability at the Port of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County.

The management says since assuming control of Buchanan Port, a little over two months ago, revenue intake has significantly increased due to the implementation of a robust financial management control system.

The NPA management says it believes that operational inefficiencies identified during the audit will enhance overall effectiveness and help the NPA in achieving its strategic goals.

Meanwhile, NPA said it has contracted the services of Power Marine to drag two tugboats at the port of Greenville, in Sinoe County. The tugboats have been immobilized at the Port for the past four years. Management said it will cost about forty thousand US dollars to drag the boats from the Greenville Port.

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