Israeli Ambassador Visits Liberia’s Defense Minister


In a bid to strengthen bilateral defense cooperation between Israel and Liberia, the Ambassador of the State of Israel to Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra-Leone, Shlomit Sufa, and the Director for West African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Zvi Tal, paid a courtesy visit to Geraldine Janet George, Minister of National Defense
While welcoming the Ambassador of Israel to the Ministry of National Defense, Minister George sympathized with Israel regarding their current conflict with Hamas.

For her part, the Israeli Ambassador said the visit aimed to understand the challenges that Liberia is faced with in the defense sector and the strategic vision of the Ministry of National Defense (MOD) for Israel to ensure that the Ministry successfully achieves its long-term goals.

Responding, Minister George utilized the opportunity to narrate the numerous assistance offered by Israel to the Government and people of Liberia over the years.

She presented three major requests for consideration which include the constructing a new defense headquarters, providing specialized intelligence training for the Department of Defense Intelligence (DDI) and assisting the Liberia Coast Guard (LCG) with well-equipped military patrol boats to enhance the LCG operations.

She said Liberians can recollect that Israel assisted Liberia in establishing the late President Tubman’s Open Door Policy in the late 1950s which brought economic development to Liberia’s interior.

Besides, she recalled private Israeli businesses also provided both large-scale construction projects in Liberia including the Ducor Hotel, Executive Mansion, and the demolished Defense Ministry building.

The Defense Boss further emphasized that Israel had also helped develop Liberia’s medical capabilities.

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