NEWS’ Editor-in-Chief Attacked …Receives Threats


The Editor-in-Chief of The NEWS Newspaper was on the night of Wednesday, same being the 14th day of June 2023 attacked by unknown individuals.

According to eyewitnesses’ accounts, while Mr. Jimmey C. Fahngon was walking to his vehicle on Center Street, Monrovia, a group of unknown attacked him.
But the unknown men were overpowered by private security personnel assigned at BETTOMAX, a betting company and passersby.

Eyewitnesses said while leaving the scene, the attackers were heard making threatening statements against Mr. Fahngon to the effect of eliminating him whenever he crosses their path.
“You’re lucky that people were around to rescue you, but next time, they will not be there; you so-called journalists are in the habit of writing negative things against this government but we will teach you a lesson that you will not live to tell the story,” one of the attackers said.

Asked by the private security personnel whether he published any story against the government, Mr. Fahngon said he did an Editorial last week captioned: “We Detest Outbursts Against U.S. Ambassador” against the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate.

He said since then, he has been receiving anonymous calls with threats against his life.
As a results, he has left his home for an unknown destination for fear of being harmed by those angry over the publication of the editorial.

Mr. Fahngon said he’s worried over the safety of his family especially his wife Doris W. Fahngon and little daughter, Jimrismey Sangay Fahngon who have also left the house for fear of their lives.
It can be recalled on that on June 5, 2023, The NEWS published an Editorial captioned: “We Detest Outbursts Against U.S. Ambassador.”

The Editorial criticized the President Pro-tempore of the Liberian Senate Albert T. Chie and House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers for publicly criticizing the then United States Ambassador to Liberia Michael A. McCarthy who earlier criticized the Liberian Government for not financially supporting health facilities and county centers across the country.

Amb. McCarthy who had just returned from touring the 15 counties of Liberia critiqued the harsh living conditions of rural Liberians, coupled with the non-functioning state of county centers and lack of support to health facilities. He noted that health facilities were not receiving monies allotted in the national budget to run those facilities.

He wonders why members of the legislature will allot unto themselves US$65 million in the national budget just for 103 persons (73 representatives and 30 senators) but failed to support health institutions thereby leading to the death of citizens.

Days following the Ambassador’s criticism, Chie and Chambers launched barrage of attacks against Ambassador McCarthy accusing him of being a supporter of the opposition bloc.

In his criticism, Pro Tempore Chie accused the United States Ambassador of being supportive of the opposition bloc by creating an unleveled field to the advantage of the opposition ahead of the October elections.

During his visit to his county, Grand Kru, Senator Chie indicated that the United States Ambassador would have ascertained facts about the monies lawmakers received by visiting projects being carried out by them throughout the country, rather than saying they (lawmakers) allotted US$65 million in the budget for themselves. The Grand Kru Senator also argued that the Ambassador’s recent statement is a strategy he employed to strengthen the opposition in this election’s year.

“He’s fond of spreading falsehood because this is an election year, so that the opposition would be strengthened. He’s lying because of his support to a field that shouldn’t be leveled because this is a political year. How can you be spreading falsehood on the government? This is why Washington has recalled him because he’s interfering with the politics of our country. He’s a foreigner and he must stick to his position,” Sen. Chie said.
As for Dr. Chambers, he accused Amb. McCarthy of being undiplomatic relative to the manner and form in which he brought key issues of governance and challenges in the open.

Dr. Chambers claimed that the US Ambassador is conducting himself in a defacto manner by putting forth comments that he (Chambers) believes are not reflective of the Government and People of the United States of America (USA).
“Those comments, I believe are not inflective of the people of America. I don’t think they are diplomatic. No diplomat should be a defacto diplomat here because no diplomat leaves from here and acts otherwise there. Even when the Guinean musician Diallo was shot dead by state security, no ambassador just woke up to criticize America; it all handled or settled through all necessary diplomatic channels. So, we will not accept this from any ambassador on our soil,” he among other things asserted.

As a result of these comments against the U.S. Ambassador, the paper decided to do this editorial to also criticize the two senior Liberian government officials, something we believe was unwarranted and below the belt.
In the editorial, the paper said having listened to two high-profile officials, we respectfully detest their apparent harsh criticisms of Amb. McCarthy whose statement we think was intended to serve as a wakeup call for members of the Legislature to do more for their people, especially through their oversight responsibility.
It is often said that your real friend will always tell you the truth whether it hurts or not, to ensure that you do the right things, something we think Amb. McCarthy did.

How can the ambassador’s statement of lack of financial support to health facilities and non-functional county centers as budgeted for by the legislature be seen as strengthening the opposition bloc or undiplomatic?
We think the Ambassador’s statement clearly indicates that members of the legislature are apparently reneging on their oversight responsibility, a key function of that body.

We thought the legislature would have accepted this criticism in good faith and do the needful by ensuring that monies budgeted for various health facilities are disbursed to them, rather than running after the ambassador in such manner.

We recalled when Amb. McCarthy criticized people in the opposition for making unfounded allegations against the government or individuals in the government; he was hailed and referenced by people in government. Now that he has done the same on the other side, he is being vilified.

Lest we forget, the United States Government has invested so much in Liberia and continues to do so; therefore, we must take criticisms coming from its officials in good faith and right the wrongs for the betterment of the people.
The very statement made by Amb. McCarthy regarding non-functioning county centers and lack of financial support to health facilities was recently buttressed by Sinoe County Senator Augustine Chea. So, will the pro-tempore and House Speaker go after him too?

We urge the two leaders of the legislature to muster the courage and accept the criticism against the legislature and work to change the narrative for the good of the country and its people.

It is no secret that President Dr. George Manneh Weah depends on the legislature to transform the lives of his people by ensuring that body performs its oversight responsibility relative to holding public institutions accountable for monies they received through the national budget.

Therefore, members of the legislature must never default on this responsibility because it is key to the president’s quest of improving the lives his people.

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