War Crimes Court Executive Order Issued….Boakai Says He Remains Firm Against Injustice


President Joseph Nyuma Boakai has signed Executive Order #131 paving the way for the establishment of the Office of a War and Economic Crimes Court for Liberia.

Addressing newsmen on Thursday, May 2, 2024 at the Executive Mansion, President Boakai said Liberia needs to be united to ferret the causes and effects of the violence that was visited upon the country.

As President Boakai signed and issued the Executive Order, these were his words: “And so, to signify in the clearest possible terms our commitment to justice and the rule of law, as well as to amplify our affirmation that impunity will not be allowed to stand under our watch, I find it only prudent and fair to embrace and further bolster the efforts that the National Legislature has so courageously invested in this matter.”

The President indicated further “The conviction that brings us here today is that, for peace and harmony to have a chance to prevail, justice and healing must perfect the groundwork. I acknowledge the historic move by our National Legislature—both the House of Representatives and House of Senate—to reach separate, and then, a joint resolution urging the nation to take tangible steps towards paving the way to bringing a just, healed, and reconciled finality to the issues of that ugly period of our past.”

Boakai acknowledged that the direct representatives of the people spoke through their collective and overwhelming vote as they passed the resolution; “And so, we must act, and act now!”

He expressed to the legislators, and also to the justice and peace advocacy community, the interfaith community, as well as the various shades of victims, who have for so long restrained themselves with the faith that at long last justice will one day arrive.

“It is in view of this that I am today, Thursday, May 2, 2024, signing and issuing EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 131, ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF A WAR AND ECONOMIC CRIMES COURT FOR LIBERIA. Let the word go forth that we will remain firm in our stand against injustice and impunity and that we have no doubt that this move will go a long way in helping to restore respectability and integrity to this country and to a reconciled and united people,” President Boakai concluded..

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