
House Cites LRA, Others…Over Decentralization, Local Governance Status

The House of Representatives has cited authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Liberia Revenue Authority, Ministry of Transport, and Head of the Department of Vital Statistics responsible for Birth Certificates to clarify issues of Decentralization and Local Governance across the country. Decision was triggered by a communication from Maryland County District # 2 Representative,…

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Naymote Rallies Citizens …To Hold Government Accountable

Naymote Partners for Democratic Development has successfully conducted five town hall meetings on political accountability. The meetings held in Bong, Lofa, Nimba, Montserrado, and Grand Bassa Counties, was organized under the Democracy Advancement Program, (DAP). According to a release, these events aimed to deepen citizens’ understanding of government operations and performance. The town hall gatherings…

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Boakai Nominates Additional Officials

President Joseph Nyuma Boakai has nominated additional members of Government affecting the Ministry of National Defense. These appointments, where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate. The institution and those nominated are include: Dr. Augustine T. Lamin, Deputy Minister for Administration, Spencer Leeco, Deputy Minister for Operations, William K. Toe, Assistant Minister for…

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Comptroller General Proposes County Treasury

The Comptroller and Accountant General of Liberia, Elwood T. Nettey says robust County Treasury Offices (CTOs) are key for service delivery across the country. According to a press release, he made the statement during a three-day County Treasury Assessment Tour across Grand Bassa, Margibi, Nimba and Bong Counties from June 5-7, 2024. The assessment tour…

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The Fight Against Drugs Is Deceptive

President Joseph Nyuma Boakai’s desire to raid Liberia of illicit drugs might be good but those in charge to lead the process seem to be doing it with high level of deception. For nearly five months since the Director General, Abraham Kromah and his deputies, Hassan Fadiga and Gbawou Kowou were appointed at the Liberia…

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